Our story

The origin of imoo

'What should I purchase to satisfy the expectation of my child?'

Mr. Kimi, a father, encountered a problem in 2012. On business trips, it seemed impossible to find satisfactory kids' products for his son. As an electrical engineer, he wondered why don't create a perfect product for kids with his own knowledge?

The shortest answer is doing. Mr. Kimi and other colleagues who are also parents established imoo in the same year. Over years of research and thousands of experiments, imoo Watch Phone was launched and welcomed by all kids in 2015. It adds communication function in watch, parents can stay in touch with their children even they are not around.

Our spirit

Move forward with full of love
and responsibility

We move forward with full love and responsibility. Our own children are always the first users of imoo. We want to become their heros. We look forward to seeing their delighted faces when they see imoo products.

We insist on designing and manufacturing products for children, as we believe that the love of parents is infinite.